Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Bint Falasteen:" Women Of Palestine

We are the women of Palestine
We are the voice of a nation
The voice that speaks frustration
The voice of brutal occupation
The voice that seeks liberation.

We are the eyes that tear when another son is lost
The eyes that witness our homes demolished in shock
The eyes that see our towns shut down and locked
The eyes that witness our loved ones shot.

We are the ones that burden the occupation and its costs
The ones smuggling food into refugee camps
The ones that saw our nation revamped
The ones sending our children to schools.

We are the occupied giving in to new rules
The occupied seeing tanks and soldiers rampage
The occupied collectively punished and caged
The occupied seeing our sons and husbands Jailed
The occupied seeking help to no avail.

We are the hands that work the olive fields that are taken away
The hands that are kept raised at checkpoints on hot days
The hands that teach our daughters to cook and maintain the home
The hands that put our children to bed and have no time alone.

We are the artists that express our hardship through film
The artists that write our thoughts with poetic skill
The artists that sing our hearts out in pain
The artists describing our muse with paint.

We are the minds that spoke along side the great thinkers of Palestine
The minds that brought ideas of peace to the table
The minds that envisioned a home that is stable
The minds that taught our children to persevere
The minds that taught our generation not to fear.

We are women of intellect, strength and power,
Of goals, intuition; we'll never cower
We have held hopes of a state together
We get stronger with each endeavor
We are the women of time, we are the women that shine
We truly are the women of Palestine.

Courtesy of:

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